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Requiem: Mozart’s Last Words

…And Remembering Other Works From the Classical Masters

Mozart’s Requiem and other classical choral masterpieces, circa 1730-1820.  This is a classical concert of compositions by Mozart, Salieri, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, and more.  The Chorale and guest soloists are accompanied by musicians from the Longmont Symphony Orchestra.

Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 3PM

Lifebridge Christian Church, Longmont

You’ll see our ad in the Times-Call’s A&E section on the four Fridays leading up to the concert.  In case you miss it, here it is:

Meet Our Soloists…


The Longmont Chorale is a nonprofit Longmont choral group, an SATB choir which performs four major concerts in Longmont each season.  Concert tickets and information are both available at

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Longmont Chorale
Requiem: Mozart’s Last Words – Mar. 11, 2018
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