Longmont Chorale Notes & News2023-2024 Season | Songs of the Heart – From a Jazz Mass to Broadway’s Beat
The Longmont Chorale, a pillar of Longmont’s performing arts scene, is thrilled to announce its eagerly anticipated concert series for the 2023-2024 season, titled "Songs of the Heart - From a Jazz Mass to Broadway's Beat." This diverse and captivating lineup promises...
read more“Deep Peace to You” – May 7
The Vance Brand Civic Auditorium in Longmont, Colorado is set to come alive on Sunday, May 7 at 3pm, as the Longmont Chorale takes to the stage to present a captivating concert of Celtic choral music, titled "Deep Peace to You". This eagerly anticipated event will...
read more“Out of Grief and Chaos, Hope” – Mar. 12
Our first March concert since 2019 features inspirational Psalms and other uplifting choral songs. This is a family friendly event. Longmont Church of Christ is located at 1351 Collyer St in Longmont. COVID Policy for this Concert Our audience...
read more“Sing It From The Mountains” – Dec. 4
“Sing It From the Mountains” Sunday, December 4 at 3pm; doors open at 2:30pm at Longmont Church of Christ Our annual holiday concert features many Christmas spirituals to celebrate the joy of the season. This is a family friendly event For our first holiday concert...
read more“A Family Musical Trip to the Magic Kingdom” – Oct 9
"A Family Musical Trip to the Magic Kingdom" Sunday, October 9 at 3pm; doors open at 2:30pm at Longmont Church of Christ The Longmont Chorale and special guests, Ascent Vocals, return to the stage to present, "A Family Musical Trip to the Magic Kingdom", a family...
read moreRutter’s “Mass of the Children”, an Online Concert – May 17 to May 31
On Demand, May 17 through May 31, 2021: Rutter’s Mass of the Children, an Online Concert. This virtual concert is a broadcast of the Longmont Chorale's performance of John Rutter's "Mass of the Children" from March, 2019. For this special performance, the...
read moreWinter Nights & Holiday Lights – Dec 21
"Winter Nights & Holiday Lights" A Virtual Mini Concert by the Longmont Chorale This virtual concert is offered at no charge as a gift to our community. If you would like to give a tax-deductible gift to the Longmont Chorale, please donate via our website's support...
read moreLongmont Chorale Endorses Longmont Ballot Question 3D
The Longmont Chorale is proud to join the Longmont Performing Arts Initiative in announcing our support for Longmont Ballot Question 3D, which would pave the way for building a long sought after new performing arts center in Longmont. Ballot Question 3D would allow...
read moreBallot Question 3D – A Closer Look
Take a closer look at Longmont Ballot Question 3D This is the official, complete language for Ballot Question 3D that will appear on Longmont's ballot: City of Longmont Ballot Question 3D Charter Amendment to Allow for 30 Year Leases Shall the City of Longmont Home...
read moreAnnouncement: Our Fall, 2020 Concerts
It is with a heavy sadness that we announce the cancellation of the Longmont Chorale concerts which ordinarily would be scheduled for October and December of 2020. We know that this announcement will come as an enormous disappointment, not only to our...
read moreA Special Announcement Regarding Our Spring 2020 Concerts
Dear Longmont Chorale audience members, Due to new CDC guidelines regarding those in vulnerable age groups and/or having underlying health issues being urged to avoid large public gatherings, we have made the difficult decision to end our season, effective...
read more(CANCELLED) Liberation and Light – a WWII 75th Remembrance – Mar. 15
***This concert will not be performed at this time.*** If you've purchased tickets already, please watch your email. We will be in contact soon.Liberation and Light A WWII 75th Remembrance Sunday, March 15 at 3pm LifeBridge Church, Longmont Concert commemorating the...
read more(CANCELLED) Songs of Stage and Screen – Apr 19
***This concert will not be performed at this time.*** If you've purchased tickets already, please watch your email. We will be in contact soon.Songs of Stage and Screen April 19, 2020 Stewart Auditorium, Longmont Broadway and movie soundtracks performed as a...
read more(CANCELLED) United We Sing – Longmont Chorale to the Baltics – May 3
***This concert will not be performed at this time.*** If you've purchased tickets already, please watch your email. We will be in contact soon. United We Sing Longmont Chorale to the Baltics May 3, 2020 LifeBridge Church, Longmont Music to be performed on the...
read moreLongmont Chorale Gift Cards
For that person who has everything, give tickets to a Longmont Chorale concert! Gift cards are good towards online ticket purchases for any Longmont Chorale concert. No shipping, no sales tax, no hassles - all music. It's the perfect gift!...
read moreMISSION