From Nathan 

Hello, singers! 

It was such a pleasant surprise to see how many new singers joined us for this upcoming concert! We’re off to a wonderful start, and I’m already enjoying the singing you’re doing. I have full confidence already that we will be completely prepared for our concert and will have a wonderful and musical performance for our audience. 

If you are new to us: Please arrive early next week to do pitch matching with me. I will be there by 6:30 pm. It takes 2 minutes, and is simply a warm-up through your range. ALL new members are required to do this (with the exception of music educators, who should still check in with me). Welcome to our community – I look forward to getting to know you! 

The sheet that we went over during break is HERE 

Also, I heard through the grapevine that Messiah’s parking lot is filling up with all of the people who are now singing with us. If you have the ability to carpool with someone that lives near you, that would help alleviate this problem. (and that way you can gripe to someone about that mean Artistic Director on the way home…😉). 

Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication! Looking forward to seeing you again next Monday. 

Sincerely, Nathan Wubbena, Artsitic Director 

From Sharon 

Hello Longmont Chorale Members!   

It’s been great seeing so many of you again.  We had a large number of brand-new faces at Monday’s rehearsal, and I wanted to make sure to send out the Attendance Policy one last time for this concert cycle.  If you have not read it thoroughly, please do so prior to the January 13 rehearsal.  Please use this link to access the policy And note, even though January 13 is a holiday, we WILL have rehearsal.  

Finally, each year we do a Diversity Survey to submit with our grant applications. This survey is completely anonymous (as long as you don’t put your name on it).  It will be available for you to complete at the January 13 rehearsal.  If you miss completing the survey for any reason, a link will be sent out later next week. Please don’t complete the survey more than once.  

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