Support the Performing Arts in LongmontThe Longmont Chorale is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, based in Longmont, Colorado.
Your donation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws.
Below you’ll find information on advertising, sponsorships, and volunteering.
Your donation helps us to keep bringing great choral music to life in our community.
Since we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your donation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws.
Guild Membership

Help Build the Longmont Center!
Support the construction of a new center for the performing arts in Longmont. Our first step is to conduct a feasibility study.
Click here to donate:

Our Impact Stats: Accomplishments
Thanks to Your Generosity
Where We’ve Been: 2018-2019
4 Subscription Concerts
4 Guest Artist Appearances
About 4,800 Volunteer Hours
69 Volunteers
Thousands in Total Attendance
450 Singing in Our Concerts
St. Vrain Singers, Apollo Chamber Brass, Orchestra, & Celtic Duo as Guest Performers
3 Youth Vocal Winners Performed in December
New Program Format
Overhead Slides at Subscription Concerts
Continued Email List & Social Media Growth
Where We’re Going: 2019-2020
WWII Remembrance Concert with Orchestra & Soloists, Featuring Composer Dan Forrest's Requiem for the Living
4 Subscription Concerts Featuring the Full Chorale in October, December, March, and May
Guest Artist Appearances, Including Performing Handel's Messiah with the LSO Chamber Orchestra
Youth Vocal Competition - Winners Perform at our December Concert
Guest Artists Join Us, Including Denver & District Pipe Band, and St. Vrain Singers Children's Choir
Viva Voce Fundraiser Concert at Stewart Auditorium
New Associate Director, CU Doctoral Candidate Daniel Parks
Newly-formed Alpine Brass Quintet Joins Us for Debut Performance in December
Support the Longmont Chorale!
Will you consider a monthly donation? Your monthly support provides regular income to help keep us financially stable.
Your Donation is Important to Our Success
Dear Friends of the Longmont Chorale,
The Longmont Chorale’s mission, expressed simply, is to create community in the greater Longmont area through choral music. To succeed in our mission, we need your support this Colorado Gives Day. You can donate by visiting our page on the Colorado Gives website. Just click here:
When you send your gift on Colorado Gives Day, your gift goes further. Thanks to leading Incentive Fund partner, FirstBank, and community partners from around the state, the $1.4 Million Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund amplifies the amount of every donation made on Colorado Gives Day, with their total percentage raised for Colorado Gives Day.
We hope you’ll consider a generous donation of $100 or more this year. We always appreciate a gift of any size, whether smaller or larger.
Did you know that you can schedule a monthly donation through This is a great way to give a larger gift over the course of a year as a series of smaller gifts.
Would you consider a generous one-time gift to help us continue to succeed? Perhaps you’d be able to start a monthly gift of $10, $20, or $30? Your gifts provide needed income at this critical time.
You can use the donor form on this page to send your gift today. If you like, you can text LONGMONTSINGS to 44-321 on your cell phone to reach a mobile-friendly donation page. Remember, you can also send your donation through Colorado Gives by clicking here:
Thank you in advance for your kindness, generosity, and support of the Longmont Chorale!
Bob Balsman, President
New! Donate to the Longmont Chorale from your CO income tax refund!
You can help us continue to bring beautiful, inspiring choral music in Longmont. When you file your taxes, look for the prompt to Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit and use our reg. number: 20083006196. Your gift will directly support the Longmont Chorale!
Please consider donating $100 or more from your tax refund to support the Longmont Chorale.
You’ll be listed as one of our generous donors in next season’s program. Scroll down to view our giving levels and thank you gifts on this page.
100/100 Giving Opportunity
Are YOU 1 of Our 100?
Support the Longmont Chorale
With Your Gift of $100 or More
Now Through the end of the 2019-2020 Season!
Donate Now or Schedule Your Donation Through
You can schedule a donation through for any date. is open year-round
Question: Are YOU one of our 100?
Our Goal: Find 100 people who want to give $100 or more by the end of the season
About Our 100/100 Fundraising Campaign…
The Longmont Chorale brings great choral music to our community and the surrounding area!
We’re raising funds to support the Chorale and build our donor base. Your donation of $100 or more this season keeps Longmont singing!
Your donation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws. Donate through the PayPal buttons on this page or at, which is open year round.
Every donation helps, so please give at the level that works best for you! Your financial support is critical to the Longmont Chorale’s mission to bring great choral music to our community.
Thank you in advance for your gift!
Our 100/100 Campaign is Open Only Until May 15!
Our Donor Levels and Thank You Gifts
Your Thank-You Gifts
All donor levels of $100 and up may choose to have the donor’s name or honorarium in our printed concert program and listed on our website as well as receive the optional thank-you gifts listed below.
These donor levels will also receive a donor badge image for use on social media to help spread awareness of the Longmont Chorale.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
*The Longmont Chorale is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donatation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws.
How is the Chorale Funded?
Ticket sales cover only 1/3 of the revenue needed to meet expenses. We are currently funded via the following sources, as listed below in rounded percentages:
Ticket sales – 33%
Member dues – 25%
Grants and Donations – 25%
Other Contributions – 17%
Over 4,700 volunteer hours
The Longmont Chorale is operating on an annual budget of approximately $80,000. Our budget rises as your support allows us to meet the ever-increasing costs of performing for our community.
Without your support, we would be completely unable to provide choral music to the greater Longmont area.
Donor - $100
One Subscription Concert Ticket
Patron - $250
Two Subscription Concert Tickets
Friend - $500
Two Subscription Concert Tickets
One Season Ticket
Supporter - $1,000
Two Subscription Concert Tickets
Two Season Tickets
VIP Event*
Benefactor - $2,500
Four Subscription Concert Tickets
Four Season Tickets
Thanked at a Concert
VIP Event*
Underwriter - $5,000
Four Subscription Concert Tickets
Four Season Tickets
Named as a Concert Underwriter
Limousine Transportation To and From a Concert
VIP Event*
*VIP event to be scheduled only if enough donors show interest, else the funds otherwise set aside for the event will be used for the Longmont Chorale’s operating expenses.
Craft Your Own Gift
We appreciate your generosity and invite you to craft a gift of your own.
Monthly Gift
Will you consider giving monthly to the Longmont Chorale?
Choose a monthly donation level using the button below. Make sure to specify that this is a recurring gift in checkout.
Platinum Donors
Bob & Paula Balsman
Wendy Gronbeck
Anna Miller
Gold Donors
Larry & Kathy McMillin
Robert Lenehan
Silver Donors
Dale & Cindy VanZant
Scott & Kiersten Jackson
Edward & Connie Lehman
Kathryn Melsheimer
Katherine Flynn
Bronze Donors
Sara Bury
Karen & Paul Cade
Kathy Dee Cook
Brenda Graffis
Melinda McElroy
In Memory of Lea Meyer
Ellen Snyder
Stanley Tsai
Community Grantors & Foundations
Colorado Creative Industries
Colorado Gives Community First Incentive Fund
Community Foundation Serving Boulder County
Longmont Chorale Guild
Scientific & Cultural Facilities District
Corporate Donors
Amazon Smile
Applebees Apple American Group
Haystack Mountain Dairy
Longmont United Hospital Volunteers
Robin Chocolates
Sunflower Farm
You Keep Us Singing!
As a nonprofit performing arts organization, we rely on your generosity to continue to provide our community with performances of great choral music
Adopt a Singer
Provide a Singer's Dues for One Concert- You’ll back the Board’s scholarship program, enabling low-income members of our community to sing with the Chorale.
Provide Sheet Music
Buy sheet music for 1 member for the whole season- Your name added to our subscription concert program and our website
- 1 regular concert ticket as our thank you gift
Build Our Endowment Fund
Ensure Our Long-Term Financial Stability- Your name added to our subscription concert program and our website
- 2 regular concert tickets as our thank you gift
Craft Your Own Donation
We appreciate your generosity!- Thank you for your donation!
How to Leave a Bequest to the Longmont Chorale
Donors wishing to designate a gift to the Longmont Chorale Endowment at the Longmont Community Foundation in their will or trust should use the following language:
“I wish to give (choose the appropriate statement) [A SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNT] or [A PERCENTAGE OF THE ESTATE] or [A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF SHARES OF A SPECIFIC SECURITY] to The Longmont Chorale Endowment at the Longmont Community Foundation, 636 Coffman Street, Suite 203, Longmont CO 80501. TAX ID NUMBER 46-3894713. Attention: Executive Director
Donors wishing to designate a gift to directly to the Longmont Chorale in their will or trust should use the following language:
“I wish to give (choose the appropriate statement) [A SPECIFIC DOLLAR AMOUNT] or [A PERCENTAGE OF THE ESTATE] or [A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF SHARES OF A SPECIFIC SECURITY] to The Longmont Chorale, Inc., P.O. Box 902, Longmont CO 80502. TAX ID NUMBER 74-2496901. Attention: Treasurer
Contact Us About Making an Honorarium, Specifically-Directed, or Any Other Specially-Designated Donation
Remember to enter the number in the CAPTCHA field, next to the SEND button.
Thank you for your generosity!
Corporate sponsors provide a source of vital support to the Longmont Chorale. Additionally, our sponsors demonstrate their community leadership through supporting the arts.
Sponsorship is a very valuable marketing opportunity, prominently putting your company’s name in front of our audience.
Be seen as a leader in our community through your support of the performing arts – sponsor the Longmont Chorale today!
Provides security and traffic direction at our major concerts
Provides 2 months of advertising in print and on social media to boost awareness of the Longmont Chorale
Underwrites our Youth Vocal Competition to increase youth participation in vocal music
Covers our concert venue costs for one major concert
Covers our rehearsal venue fees for a season
Underwrites one major concert as a Concert Sponsor
Sponsors an orchestra and other guest artists, making for a more moving concert experience
Underwrites our four major concerts as a Season Sponsor
Please use this form to contact us about your corporate sponsorship.
The above are suggested amounts for some of the Chorale’s expenses. Contact us today to craft your own sponsorship opportunity.
Contact Us About Sponsorships
Remember to enter the number in the CAPTCHA field, next to the SEND button.
We value and seek your support of our upcoming season, ensuring the success of this season’s wonderful, live, choral music performances.
Your ad will appear before 2000-3000 local patrons in our full-color programs all season. Each advertiser also receives one pair of concert tickets for each of our major concerts in October, December, March, and May.
We are able to offer light graphic design help at an affordable rate, with limited availability.
Business Card
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
Contact Us About Program Advertisement
Remember to enter the number in the CAPTCHA field, next to the SEND button.
Our volunteers keep us singing, and we are so grateful for their support! Won’t you join this group of great people?
Below are some of our current volunteer openings. You need not be an active member of the Chorale in order to volunteer with us.
Concert Slide Operator
The Concert Slide Operator runs PowerPoint presentations before, during, and after our concerts and at intermission. All presentations are provided, as is a computer for use at the concert. The Operator will need to advance lyrics slides and other relevant slides in time with the performances.
The Concert Slide Operator must attend at least the two rehearsals immediately preceding the concert in order to practice synchronizing the lyrics slides as the Chorale rehearses concert pieces.
Rehearsal tracks are also available for practice.
Music Filing
Help our Librarian with music returns and assembling music folders for our members.
You’ll help manage one of the largest choral music libraries in Colorado!
Guild Member
The Longmont Chorale Guild, a community-based group, helps to organize and support Chorale functions benefiting our singers, our audience, and our community.
Learn more about Guild membership by scrolling down to the Join Our Guild section of this page.
Riser Wranglers
You’ll help setup risers before dress rehearsals and concerts, and help tear them down afterwards, too. Risers arrive at our performance venue in a trailer and must be wheeled into and out of the building.
We are looking for a back up Riser Wrangler Coordinator, too.
Ticket Counter
Staff the ticket tables at our concerts, where you’ll handle door sales via cash, check, or charge.
You can also help distribute tickets to our members at rehearsals for sale. You’ll gather any tickets not sold by our members to be sold at the door.
Board Member
The Board of Directors is open to members of our community. Our full Board meets monthly about ten times per year, with a few committees meeting occasionally in between.
Ours is a working and governing Board. This is a great way to make a big difference in our community’s performing arts scene.
Please use the form below to discuss becoming a Board member with us.
Contact Us About Volunteering
Remember to enter the number in the CAPTCHA field, next to the SEND button.
And More!
We have many volunteer opportunities, many ways for you to give your time and talents toward supporting the Longmont Chorale.
One-time tasks and more regular roles are available at any time.
Use this form to contact us about the volunteer positions you see above and discuss how to find the best fit for your skills and background.
The Longmont Chorale Guild, a community-based group, helps to organize and support Chorale functions benefiting our singers, our audience, and our community. It is tasked with providing exciting, fresh ideas for supporting the Longmont Chorale and our community.
Our Guild has recently participated in:
- 4th of July Concert Picnic
- Shop ‘til You Drop
- Dinners and ice cream socials for Chorale meetings
- Youth Vocal Competition support
- Downtown Block Party
- Senior Law Day
As the Guild moves forward, we welcome new members from the community, particularly non-singers. The Guild needs your energy, your creativity, and your talent to assist in the planning and presentation of these memorable events.
Since its inception, the Guild is very proud to have donated over $34,000 to the Longmont Chorale.
If you, or someone you know, would enjoy being part of this energetic community organization, please contact Kathy Pirie, Guild President, using the form below.