Support the Performing Arts in Longmont

The Longmont Chorale is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, based in Longmont, Colorado.

Your donation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws.

Below you’ll find information on advertising, sponsorships, and volunteering.




Your donation helps us to keep bringing great choral music to life in our community.

Since we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your donation is tax deductible according to applicable tax laws.


Sponsorships are an opportunity for your business to show community involvement while you gain advertising exposure.


Explore your opportunities to advertise in our next printed program.  Your advertising dollars support the performing arts in Longmont!


Our volunteers give their time, effort, and talents so we can keep singing for our community, and we are very grateful for their kind support.

Guild Membership

The Longmont Chorale Guild, a community-based group, helps to organize and support Chorale functions benefiting our singers, our audience, and our community.


Our volunteers keep us singing, and we are so grateful for their support!  Won’t you join this group of great people?

Below are some of our current volunteer openings.  You need not be an active member of the Chorale in order to volunteer with us.

Concert Slide Operator

The Concert Slide Operator runs PowerPoint presentations before, during, and after our concerts and at intermission.  All presentations are provided, as is a computer for use at the concert.  The Operator will need to advance lyrics slides and other relevant slides in time with the performances.

The Concert Slide Operator must attend at least the two rehearsals immediately preceding the concert in order to practice synchronizing the lyrics slides as the Chorale rehearses concert pieces.

Rehearsal tracks are also available for practice.

Music Filing

Help our Librarian with music returns and assembling music folders for our members.

You’ll help manage one of the largest choral music libraries in Colorado!

Guild Member

The Longmont Chorale Guild, a community-based group, helps to organize and support Chorale functions benefiting our singers, our audience, and our community.

Learn more about Guild membership by scrolling down to the Join Our Guild section of this page.

Riser Wranglers

You’ll help setup risers before dress rehearsals and concerts, and help tear them down afterwards, too. Risers arrive at our performance venue in a trailer and must be wheeled into and out of the building.

We are looking for a back up Riser Wrangler Coordinator, too.

Ticket Counter

Staff the ticket tables at our concerts, where you’ll handle door sales via cash, check, or charge.

You can also help distribute tickets to our members at rehearsals for sale. You’ll gather any tickets not sold by our members to be sold at the door.

Board Member

The Board of Directors is open to members of our community.  Our full Board meets monthly about ten times per year, with a few committees meeting occasionally in between.

Ours is a working and governing Board.  This is a great way to make a big difference in our community’s performing arts scene.

Please use the form below to discuss becoming a Board member with us.

Contact Us About Volunteering

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And More!

We have many volunteer opportunities, many ways for you to give your time and talents toward supporting the Longmont Chorale.

One-time tasks and more regular roles are available at any time.

Use this form to contact us about the volunteer positions you see above and discuss how to find the best fit for your skills and background.


The Longmont Chorale Guild, a community-based group, helps to organize and support Chorale functions benefiting our singers, our audience, and our community. It is tasked with providing exciting, fresh ideas for supporting the Longmont Chorale and our community.

Our Guild has recently participated in:

    • 4th of July Concert Picnic
    • Shop ‘til You Drop
    • Dinners and ice cream socials for Chorale meetings
    • Youth Vocal Competition support
    • Downtown Block Party
    • Senior Law Day

As the Guild moves forward, we welcome new members from the community, particularly non-singers. The Guild needs your energy, your creativity, and your talent to assist in the planning and presentation of these memorable events.

Since its inception, the Guild is very proud to have donated over $34,000 to the Longmont Chorale.

If you, or someone you know, would enjoy being part of this energetic community organization, please contact Kathy Pirie, Guild President, using the form below.

Contact Us About Joining the Chorale Guild

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